Wandle Rohstoffe
in Dekarbonisierungslösungen
Wandle Rohstoffe
in Dekarbonisierungslösungen um
Nutzen Sie klimaschonende Rohstoffe, um tatsächliche Einsparungen bei den Scope-3-Emissionen zu erzielen und widerstandsfähige Lieferketten aufzubauen.
Nutzen Sie klimaschonende Rohstoffe, um tatsächliche Einsparungen bei den Scope-3-Emissionen zu erzielen und widerstandsfähige Lieferketten aufzubauen.
Nutzen Sie klimaschonende Rohstoffe, um tatsächliche Einsparungen bei den Scope-3-Emissionen zu erzielen und widerstandsfähige Lieferketten aufzubauen.
Emissions reductions
Emissions reductions
Emissions reductions

Die Herstellung eines klimafreundlichen Rohstoffs
Die Herstellung eines klimafreundlichen Rohstoffs
Die Herstellung eines klimafreundlichen Rohstoffs
Nset’s End-to-End-Lösung deckt Sie von der Saat bis zur Ernte ab.
On-farm MRV
WMO-certified Eddy Covariance Flux Towers capture baseline measurements of the existing emissions profile in real-time.
Regenerative practices implementation
Better practices are implemented to create real reductions on future crop yields.
Realtime emissions & reductions assessment
MRV towers measure real-time emissions and reductions with 80%-90% accuracy from seed-to-harvest.
Digital passports, claimable reductions, & compliance reporting
Data is embedded into a digital passport and sold with the commodity for compliant and verifiable scope 3 reductions.
On-farm MRV
WMO-certified Eddy Covariance Flux Towers capture baseline measurements of the existing emissions profile in real-time.
Regenerative practices implementation
Better practices are implemented to create real reductions on future crop yields.
Realtime emissions & reductions assessment
MRV towers measure real-time emissions and reductions with 80%-90% accuracy from seed-to-harvest.
Digital passports, claimable reductions, & compliance reporting
Data is embedded into a digital passport and sold with the commodity for compliant and verifiable scope 3 reductions.
Bis zu
-30 %
niedrigere Emissionen
Bis zu
höhere Erträge
Echte Reduzierungen von Scope 3, keine Ausgleiche
Echte Reduzierungen von Scope 3, keine Ausgleiche
Echte Reduzierungen von Scope 3, keine Ausgleiche
Zukunftssichere Lieferketten mit klimasmarten Rohstoffen und echte Reduzierungen der Scope 3-Emissionen erzielen
High accuracy on-farm data
Get real data you can trust that's peer-reviewed and scientifically verified.
High accuracy on-farm data
Get real data you can trust that's peer-reviewed and scientifically verified.
High accuracy on-farm data
Get real data you can trust that's peer-reviewed and scientifically verified.
High accuracy on-farm data
Get real data you can trust that's peer-reviewed and scientifically verified.
Real, verifiable scope 3 reductions
Better on-ground practices create claimable scope 3 reductions.
Real, verifiable scope 3 reductions
Better on-ground practices create claimable scope 3 reductions.
Real, verifiable scope 3 reductions
Better on-ground practices create claimable scope 3 reductions.
Real, verifiable scope 3 reductions
Better on-ground practices create claimable scope 3 reductions.
No upfront capital exposure
No free-rider problems, only pay for the commodities you procure, with embedded reductions.
No upfront capital exposure
No free-rider problems, only pay for the commodities you procure, with embedded reductions.
No upfront capital exposure
No free-rider problems, only pay for the commodities you procure, with embedded reductions.
No upfront capital exposure
No free-rider problems, only pay for the commodities you procure, with embedded reductions.
Audit-grade and compliant reporting
SBTi FLAG, and GhG Protocol aligned reporting that's compliant with EU standards.
Audit-grade and compliant reporting
SBTi FLAG, and GhG Protocol aligned reporting that's compliant with EU standards.
Audit-grade and compliant reporting
SBTi FLAG, and GhG Protocol aligned reporting that's compliant with EU standards.
Audit-grade and compliant reporting
SBTi FLAG, and GhG Protocol aligned reporting that's compliant with EU standards.
Purpose built
Purpose built
Purpose built
Die klimafreundlichen Rohstoffe von Nset bieten eine wirtschaftlich rentable Lösung entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette.
We've built Nset with the entire value chain in mind – Whether you are a farmer, procurement specialist, CSO, or CEO, we've got you covered.
For food producers & growers
Get higher premiums for what you grow with a zero-cost solution.
For enterprises
Realtime emissions tracking, risk metrics, claimable scope 3 reductions.
For project developers
Go from 3-5 years sales cycles to yearly sales cycle.
For project financiers
Structured returns and lower capital risks with a fully insured offtake.

Bis zu
-30 %
niedrigere Emissionen
Bis zu
höhere Erträge
For food producers & growers
Get higher premiums for what you grow with a zero-cost solution.
For enterprises
Realtime emissions tracking, risk metrics, claimable scope 3 reductions.
For project developers
Go from 3-5 years sales cycles to yearly sales cycle.
For project financiers
Structured returns and lower capital risks with a fully insured offtake.

Bis zu
-30 %
niedrigere Emissionen
Bis zu
höhere Erträge
For food producers & growers
Get higher premiums for what you grow with a zero-cost solution.
For enterprises
Realtime emissions tracking, risk metrics, claimable scope 3 reductions.
For project developers
Go from 3-5 years sales cycles to yearly sales cycle.
For project financiers
Structured returns and lower capital risks with a fully insured offtake.

Bis zu
-30 %
niedrigere Emissionen
Bis zu
höhere Erträge
For food producers & growers
Get higher premiums for what you grow with a zero-cost solution.
For enterprises
Realtime emissions tracking, risk metrics, claimable scope 3 reductions.
For project developers
Go from 3-5 years sales cycles to yearly sales cycle.
For project financiers
Structured returns and lower capital risks with a fully insured offtake.

Bis zu
-30 %
niedrigere Emissionen
Bis zu
höhere Erträge
Compared to carbon offsets
Compared to carbon offsets
Compared to carbon offsets
Leave offsets behind.
Deliver real Scope 3 reductions!
Leave offsets behind.
Deliver real Scope 3 reductions!
Without Nset
Without Nset
Without Nset
Carbon offsets
Carbon offsets
On your balance sheet as a financial liability, and you end up paying for reductions outside of your value chain.
Live outside your value chain
Live outside your value chain
Live outside your value chain
Live outside your value chain
Greenwashing risk
Greenwashing risk
Greenwashing risk
Greenwashing risk
Unprovable impact
Unprovable impact
Unprovable impact
Unprovable impact
Still require scope 3 reductions
Still require scope 3 reductions
Still require scope 3 reductions
Still require scope 3 reductions
Zero impact on your supply chain
Zero impact on your supply chain
Zero impact on your supply chain
Zero impact on your supply chain
With Nset
With Nset
With Nset
Climate-smart commodities
Climate-smart commodities
Reinforce your value chain, reduce greenwashing risk, only pay for what you procure with claimable reductions.
Live within your value chain
Live within your value chain
Live within your value chain
Live within your value chain
Pose no greenwashing risk
Pose no greenwashing risk
Pose no greenwashing risk
Pose no greenwashing risk
Provable & verifiable impact
Provable & verifiable impact
Provable & verifiable impact
Provable & verifiable impact
Direct scope 3 reductions
Direct scope 3 reductions
Direct scope 3 reductions
Direct scope 3 reductions
Build climate-resilient value chains
Build climate-resilient value chains
Build climate-resilient value chains
Build climate-resilient value chains
Bis zu
-30 %
niedrigere Emissionen
Up to
fewer emissions
Up to
higher yields
Klimasmart werden
Klimasmart werden
Klimasmart werden
Entfalten Sie das Potenzial klimaintelligenter Waren für Ihre Lieferkette
Bauen Sie klimaresistente Lieferketten auf, erhalten Sie Echtzeit-Emissionen und Risikoverfolgung, anrechenbare Scope-3-Reduzierungen und konforme Berichterstattung alles in einem Paket.
Claimable reductions
All of Nset's commodities come with claimable reductions. See our marketplace to learn more.
Claimable reductions
All of Nset's commodities come with claimable reductions. See our marketplace to learn more.
Claimable reductions
All of Nset's commodities come with claimable reductions. See our marketplace to learn more.
Claimable reductions
All of Nset's commodities come with claimable reductions. See our marketplace to learn more.
Seed-to-harvest traceability
Get all of the data you need in order to understand yield, pricing, emissions, physical climate risks, and a lot more.
Seed-to-harvest traceability
Get all of the data you need in order to understand yield, pricing, emissions, physical climate risks, and a lot more.
Seed-to-harvest traceability
Get all of the data you need in order to understand yield, pricing, emissions, physical climate risks, and a lot more.
Seed-to-harvest traceability
Get all of the data you need in order to understand yield, pricing, emissions, physical climate risks, and a lot more.
Aligned with GhG and SBTi protocols
Commodites are planted with GhG and SBTi alignment.
Aligned with GhG and SBTi protocols
Commodites are planted with GhG and SBTi alignment.
Aligned with GhG and SBTi protocols
Commodites are planted with GhG and SBTi alignment.
Aligned with GhG and SBTi protocols
Commodites are planted with GhG and SBTi alignment.
"Regenerative agriculture reduces GHG emissions, removes carbon, increases biodiversity, improves water quality, and generates higher returns and strong long-term resilience for farmers."
– Philipp Hillenbrand, McKinsey
Improved soil health
Improving soil health through regenerative practices, which yield (pun intended) better outcomes for you and farmers.
Improved soil health
Improving soil health through regenerative practices, which yield (pun intended) better outcomes for you and farmers.
Improved soil health
Improving soil health through regenerative practices, which yield (pun intended) better outcomes for you and farmers.
Improved soil health
Improving soil health through regenerative practices, which yield (pun intended) better outcomes for you and farmers.
Become climate-smart today
Talk with our experts to decarbonize supply chains and future-proof the world’s food supply.
Become climate-smart today
Talk with our experts to decarbonize supply chains and future-proof the world’s food supply.
Become climate-smart today
Talk with our experts to decarbonize supply chains and future-proof the world’s food supply.
Become climate-smart today
Talk with our experts to decarbonize supply chains and future-proof the world’s food supply.