Nset and CarbonPath
Nset and CarbonPath
Nset and CarbonPath

Nset Partners with CarbonPath to Scale Oil and Gas Insetting

Montag, 12. Februar 2024

A Paradigm Shift in Climate Action

At Nset, our mission is to make decarbonization commercially viable. We do this by empowering enterprises to transform supply chain emissions into revenue opportunities. We are pioneering insetting – the process of investing in projects within your own value chain that reduce scope 3 emissions; Our partnership with CarbonPath is set to pioneer a new era. Together, Nset and CarbonPath are working to enable corporate insetting in the energy sector by using innovative methodology to reduce emissions and generate revenue.

Sealing the Carbon Gap, Forever

CarbonPath's methodology is not just groundbreaking; it's transformative. Imagine applying this approach to the estimated 400,000 low-producing wells in the United States, each actively producing 1-15 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOE/D). The result? A staggering 1.4 million BOE/D, or roughly 500,000 tonnes of CO2e per day, permanently removed from U.S. production.

Oil and Gas Insetting: A New Frontier

To put this in perspective, erasing 500,000 tonnes of CO2e per day for a year equals the carbon sequestered by a colossal 216 million acres, which is approximately twice the size of California, dedicated to U.S. forests for an entire year. It surpasses the combined contributions of all U.S. National Forests by a remarkable 15%. These low-producing wells are also responsible for up to 60% of methane emissions from the oil and gas sector annually, despite constituting a mere 5% of total U.S. oil production.

A Transformative Ripple Effect

Together, these wells, in tandem with over 2.2 million abandoned and orphaned wells in the U.S., emit a staggering 4,400,000 tonnes of CH4 directly into the atmosphere every year. With a global warming potential (GWP) up to 80 times that of CO2, we can address and significantly reduce methane emissions equivalent to what 30 coal-fired power plants produce annually. This reduction is made feasible through CarbonPath's innovative carbon credit token, creating a financial incentive that drives change.

A Global Opportunity Awaits

What's even more remarkable is that the global potential of CarbonPath's methodology is estimated to be 5-7 times greater than its U.S. domestic counterpart. This means that our partnership has the power to transcend borders, transforming the landscape of decarbonization on a global scale.

Join us in this transformative journey. Together, we're not just reducing carbon emissions; we're shaping a more sustainable, prosperous future for all. Contact us today to explore how you can be part of this global environmental revolution.

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